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Auf meinen WD brauchste net schauenDie skills sind noch vom belial kill drin. Ich find den boss so kacke weil man nur am laufen ist da hatte ich def und paar "dots" rein gemacht.
Mein Profillink
The current difficulty in 1.0.4 is roughly equivalent to Monster Power 2 or Monster Power 3 in 1.0.5. (Monster Power 0 is just the setting the game will default to when you first log in.)
Monster Power is considered "on" once you bump it up to Monster Power 1, at which point all monsters in Inferno become level 63. "No Monster Power" means that the system is technically "off," so monster levels will remain the same and you won't get any of the scaling XP/GF/MF boosts.
Posted by Lylirra
So, I am taking from this statement that post 1.05, while running 1+ Monster Power, all monsters in all Acts become level 63 and drop iLevel 58-63 with iLevel 63 stat rolls (per patch notes). I realize that upping the MP does not change the drop rates on specific item levels, but the clause "in the same way that Act III and Act IV currently do" suggests to me that the drop rates become uniform as well, and reflect the current 3 and 4 drop rates on iLevel 61,62, and 63. Is this accurate?
-> I'm pretty sure you got it.
As it is currently on the PTR, for Monster Power 1 and above in Inferno, all monsters will a) become level 63 and b) share the same drop tables (for Acts I, II, III, and IV). That's exactly what I meant by "in the same way that Act III and Act IV currently do."
This post has been edited 1 times, last edit by "Attila" (Sep 26th 2012, 10:47am)
Wo hast du das mit den extra MF her?
Mit /players 4 komm ich immer noch fix durch und hab 100% extra MF on Top. Bei meinem aktuellem MF würde das insgesamt 340% MF bedeuten. Zusammen mit den 63er Affixen und Moblevel 63 sollte sich da schon was finden.