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AoK - Age of Kings: The Conquerors

Der Dauerbrenner - Diskussionen

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Announcements & important threads

By _EA_Bär (Dec 13th 2009, 8:25pm)

39 52,319

By SIM_Hexe_S

(May 1st 2014, 3:54pm)

By Munatius (Jan 27th 2008, 8:21pm)

70 76,397

By nC_eru

(Feb 13th 2013, 1:34am)


By FodA_Landwirt (Jul 24th 2022, 1:15pm)

2 23,977

By FodA_Landwirt

(Jul 26th 2022, 7:03pm)

By GWC_Banshee_ (Jun 3rd 2012, 3:45pm)

32 20,890

By Snaile

(Mar 26th 2022, 9:57am)

By nC_$kittle_ (Dec 13th 2019, 3:51pm)

14 45,232

By DS_Don_Grotto

(Feb 17th 2022, 3:47pm)

By Achilles (Sep 3rd 2018, 8:10pm)

26 61,699

By Achilles

(Jan 14th 2020, 7:08pm)

By Kastor (Mar 7th 2013, 5:25pm)

1,259 286,538

By Pigov

(Mar 17th 2019, 2:50am)

By Tsu_NilPferD (Mar 18th 2018, 1:44pm)

20 23,181

By Tsu_NilPferD

(May 12th 2018, 3:31pm)

By SenF_Woerni (Apr 11th 2018, 9:30am)

4 7,767

By El_Cheapito

(May 8th 2018, 11:29pm)

By I_am_Lotus (Feb 17th 2016, 2:24pm)

6 10,197

By I_am_Lotus

(Feb 19th 2018, 7:46pm)

By SenF_Nemo (Mar 1st 2014, 11:04pm)

183 123,435

By nC_Snyper1

(Feb 3rd 2018, 11:38pm)

By ZwerG_Michi_de (Aug 31st 2017, 6:44am)

3 6,884

By disaster

(Sep 3rd 2017, 1:02pm)

By LiFi_U2__4eVeR (Mar 28th 2017, 12:01am)

3 6,124

By XaoMat

(Aug 30th 2017, 10:24pm)

By Event (Apr 10th 2015, 5:07pm)

42 95,258

By Scout

(Aug 28th 2017, 9:06am)

By CF_Ragnarok (Jun 13th 2017, 12:37pm)

1 6,647

By Attila

(Jun 13th 2017, 2:04pm)

By nC_Andorin (May 22nd 2017, 3:47pm)

4 7,642

By nC_Andorin

(Jun 12th 2017, 4:06pm)

By stevka (Feb 11th 2017, 2:11pm)

6 7,281

By _Icedragon_

(May 4th 2017, 2:56pm)

By CF_Ragnarok (Jan 3rd 2017, 12:09am)

9 11,229

By nC_eru

(Feb 6th 2017, 12:53pm)

By ZwerG_Michi_de (May 28th 2015, 3:40pm)

14 19,774

By Tsu_NilPferD

(Jul 22nd 2016, 8:50am)

By AtroX_Worf (Mar 7th 2016, 4:44pm)

5 6,958

By AtroX_Worf

(Mar 8th 2016, 12:21pm)



2,618 threads - 60,792 posts (12.28 posts per day)